Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh just being a little girl

Haven't blogged in a while, but I will make up for over the next few days as so much happening..

its been all go go go !!!

Well I have attended my first wedding for 2010 but I certainly didn't expect to be at this wedding.... let me explain... My 5 year old niece has a doll called Lucy and for christmas she received a male doll called Luke from one of my sisters friends. However, Luke also came with a present for Lucy a full wedding outfit for both of them together with rings etc.,

So Lauren decided that she wanted them to get married and invited all of the family to the wedding on condition that we all made an effort and participated in the wedding.. Well we had a fabulous day of laughter and tears... the tears being from all the laughing.. We really got into the spirit of things for her and the photos tell the story... so see for yourself

1 comment:

  1. You do realise that you are all barking mad!! Hope you all enjoyed your day and were did the happy couple go on Honeymoon?
